Youth Power Uganda YPU Campaign against drug abuse and illicit trafficking

Alcohol and drug abuse among the youth have reached alarming levels, posing a severe public health threat in Uganda. This crisis demands a collective response, as it is everyone’s responsibility to safeguard our nation’s future. Youth Power Uganda (YPU) is committed to tackling this issue head-on by mobilizing efforts to combat drug abuse.

As a united force, we believe that we can overcome this challenge. Our mission at YPU involves actively engaging with schools across Uganda, sensitizing students about the dire consequences of drug abuse. We understand that the youth are particularly vulnerable, and education is a powerful tool to equip them with the knowledge and resilience needed to make informed choices.


Through workshops, seminars, and awareness campaigns, YPU aims to empower the younger generation to say no to drugs. We foster a sense of responsibility among students, encouraging them to be advocates for a drug-free society. By working hand in hand with educational institutions and communities, we are building a strong front against this public health crisis.

In unity, we can protect our youth, preserve their well-being, and secure a brighter future for Uganda. Youth Power Uganda stands as a beacon of hope, reminding us that together, we can overcome the scourge of alcohol and drug abuse, and create a healthier, more prosperous nation for all.

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